As everyone around me began to gear up for the first exam of 2nd year, day after tomorrow( some mid-semester exam), I decided to take some time out and put down in words about this past week; and also the coming week which has tortuous exams to go through. As in the story the beast comes before the beauty, similarly exams have to come before a vacation so that we can spend them being miserable about the exams.
As I rolled my eyes over the IRCTC site looking forward to the wait list movement where I am waitlisted in, I realize that some things in life are not meant to be learnt, or discussed, they are just supposed to happen. After the ultimate enjoyment of my roommate’s birthday party last night, I was just pondering what it was like; this past week. Things started going wrong from the very beginning of the week, as I’ve been diligently waking up at 10am missing my first half classes every bloody day of the week, which is not at all good for my “healthy” attendance report. My pen drive went missing; cell phone display was out; watch froze. And lastly laptop is also down with some GFX problem, which turns it off abruptly… oh… it’s gone again… aghhh… :x
Now, just one more week left before going back home. And I don’t know what this coming week have in store for me. It is said that every cloud has got a silver lining; I believe this week would bring me some good luck. I suddenly realize that nothing is better than HOME, a place I’ve always wanted to stay away from. As my laptop is screwed up, cell phone display is out, watch is off and my PNR status shows no change… there’s only one thing to say… no matter what… DAD, I’m coming home…
hang in there mate!!!....
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