Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Exams>> egg jams…

As I updated my FB status, I came across many of my friends screaming with post exam agony. Some were grudging the length of the paper while some were complaining about the question setup. Ironically, Engineering is not a cup of tea, for guys like me who spend a lot of time in studies… :P

numl_exams Each night had something in common. It began with the search of a teacher in hostel who could explain to us what the syllabus was in plain eng. We skimmed over the tougher topics and grabbed as many marks bearing topics in that period  as we could. To cover a syllabus of 3 months in 8 hrs even partially is not an easy job. Mugging up things was the only resort at that time, explaining and understanding concepts is well and good but not in exam night. Apart from studies there were many serious discussions about the meaning of “life” and other important things that boys like to discuss about. Finally we ended up making the solemn promises that we take every year and never carry out; I m sure it’ll be the same this time too. Every year we make same promises in order to expiate our sins which we committed the whole year. It is definitely not nice to see people sleeping soundly when we’re  up and running ourselves. The nights were spent worrying about what disaster was going to befall us the next day; even there were thoughts planning to skipping this exam and sit for a re-exam which is supposed to happen. Whatever is left of the morning of the exam was spent on writing our worst knowledge on small bits of paper that may help us in the exam. Exam after exam the scenario was repeated monotonously.

stress-cartoon Now exams have ended I shudder to think of that period. And what all I remember is that, when a boundary condition is applied to an adiabatic process, the voltage drop across the load resistance is invariant to the non-linear system, which constructs to call a function showing null deflection in that bridge made of extrinsic semiconductors proving the continuity equation to be wrong… :P aahh… I didn’t get that too... anyways… Later


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