As I sit on my bed with puffy eyes and tousled hair on a Sunday, I can’t help writing a post. After having absolute blast for the fresher’s party yesterday I’m back to my normal listless life again. Now, before moving on, a piece of advice. Don’t sleep for ten hours straight. Your body aches, eyes look puffy and you lose almost half of a new day. And that is not something that you may reclaim.
Sunday is that day of the week, when you have loads of plans,but do not intend to execute them in any way. For me it is synonymous with a sleep that lasts right up to lunch passing breakfast on its way. Then my attention shifts towards my deteriorating personal hygiene which reminds me to at least wash my face before having anything. Somehow the night passes and Monday takes over. Monday is the day when everything goes wrong right from the start. As you sleep till lunch on a Sunday, you forget that this respite is quite short lived, as in the very next day you’ve to be there in your electronics lab by 7 in the morning without any fail to face a viva. Although you know that you’re going to be screwed, having the panel in fits of laughter at your answers, you can’t avoid giving answers as it looks even dumber if you remain silent. After 5 long hours of pure agony, the “monday” lunch is something you don’t really look forward to. Add to that the misery of writing practicals and assignments and you can have some idea what hell looks like. And this is not the end, as rest of the day is spent worrying about the 6 continuous lectures the next day.
Just two more weeks to go before my painful pre mid-sem classes comes to an end. Have my durgapuja vacations from 11th which are purportedly the most important vacation of any bengali’s life. The exam schedule is out. 4th is the D-day. Preparations are about to start. Hopefully, they will start before the exams. As I achieved a new level in IcyTower and completed new challenges in FIFA, my life rolls on towards a certainly uncertain future. Before I turn philosophical, I think I should wrap up this post. Also, I’ve to wash my formal shirts if I am to attend my labs tomorrow.